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Chat GPT Unveiled: Revolutionizing Conversations with AI-Powered Interactions

By: Katya Surapuraju



ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) architecture. It is designed to be capable of generating human-like responses to natural language input, using a large dataset of human-generated text to learn the patterns of language and how to generate coherent responses to various types of input.

Chat GPT has various applications especially in the field of education. For example, it can be used to create chatbots that can answer questions from students, provide feedback on assignments, and offer personalised study recommendations based on the student's performance and learning preferences.With the release of the newest version of ChatGPT– ChatGPT4, the results produced while using it will be a lot more accurate and reliable than its predecessor. With the new model, there will be fewer “hallucinations”, ChatGPT hallucinations refer to instances where the language model generates responses that are nonsensical or do not make sense in the context of the conversation. These responses can occur when the language model generates text that is not supported by the input provided, resulting in responses that may seem strange or unrelated to the conversation. Users can also be presented with lies and thus the term “hallucinations”.

This remains a huge constraint in the development of any language AI model. However, there are ongoing efforts to improve the accuracy and reliability of these models, including the use of larger and more diverse datasets, more sophisticated training techniques, and ongoing monitoring and feedback to identify and correct errors and inconsistencies in the model's responses.



Afp. (2023, March 15). New version of chatgpt will have fewer "hallucinations", says creators. ScienceAlert. Retrieved April 22, 2023, from

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